Submission process


Companies are allowed and encouraged to submit multiple entries in multiple categories in Best in Biz Awards 2023. For each category a company enters, a simple 3-part entry is required. Each entry should contain these three sections:


A brief description of the nominee’s achievements since January 1, 2022

Describe the nominee’s achievements during the 2022-2023 eligibility period (that is from January 1, 2022 until day of submission). Please focus on specific accomplishments relevant to the award category under consideration, relating them to past performance or industry norms. Make sure to mention obstacles overcome, innovations or discoveries made, and specific results. (500 words or less)

Depending on the category, the “nominee” is either the company, a product, a department/team, executive or a CSR/media/PR campaign, so accordingly, this section can be:
– in Company categories: about company accomplishments
– in Product categories: about product success, including details on features, innovations, statistics, market share, case studies, pain points it solves etc.
– in Department/Team and Executive categories: about executive or team accomplishments
– in CSR, media, PR and other categories, this section can detail the campaign, event or website being submitted.


Hyperlinks to any news coverage, press releases or materials supporting the submission

Press stories, press releases, video clips, work samples and more can make a difference. If available, please include links in your submission (3-5 links is typical); these could be to your online news room, the best recent article, or a past award. In consideration for the judges’ time, please limit your links to a maximum of five.


A short biography of the nominee

Provide a brief biography and business background of the nominee. (100 words or less)

Depending on the category and as appropriate to the submission, the “nominee” is either the company, a product, a department/team, executive or a CSR/media/PR campaign, so accordingly, this section can be:
– in Company categories: company history or corporate boilerplate
– in Product categories: product line history
– in Executive categories: executive biography
– in Department/Team and CSR, media, PR and other categories, this section can be either a company history or a leading executive biography.


Entry specific photos, logos and other supporting materials (optional)

If you choose, you may also provide supporting materials in any standard digital file format, as well as executive, team, or product photos and/or company logos for potential inclusion on the Best in Biz Awards website. Any additional materials can be emailed to us at

We have found that this simple, but meaningful submission process is intuitive, and gives the judging panel a great window into the relevant business successes of each of the award entrants, ensuring that all of our participants compete on the merits and on an equal basis.

Once your entries are ready, you can submit them in one of two ways:


Submit through the Best in Biz Awards website

After clicking ENTER NOW, a button located at the top of every page, you can select your preferred award category using the dropdown menu. Clicking “Add to cart” takes you to a checkout screen containing a text box into which you can copy and paste your entry (you may change or add award categories at this screen as well). You can repeat this step for any additional entries. Once ready, use the checkout links at the bottom of the page to finalize and pay for your entries. American Express, Mastercard, Visa and Paypal are accepted methods of payment.



Submit by email

Please feel free to email us your ready submission directly in the email body or in .doc or .pdf format. You can then remit your entry fees using our online shopping cart. If you prefer to pay by check or wire transfer, please contact us for payment instructions. Invoices provided upon request.

Please do not hesitate to let us know of any questions you might have during the submission process.

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